Beneficial Health Facts

Benefits of 5-HTP / Serotonin balancing formula

Aids in weight loss: Higher levels of serotonin counteract hunger-inducing hormones.

Improves sleep: Serotonin increases melatonin production which is essential in the regulation of sleep.

Helps with depression: Serotonin is known to increase mood and decrease anxiety.

Decreases fibromyalgia: Increased levels of serotonin are shown to relieve pain and weakness in muscles.

Benefits of Ashwagandha / Restorative ancient herbal blend

Supports cardiovascular health: At least two studies have found that Ashwagandha can raise VO2 max levels, the highest amount of oxygen you can take in when exercising.

Builds stress resilience: Daily Ashwagandha supplementation improves physiological, cognitive, and psychological stress response over 30 days.

Improves sleep: A recent study confirms that Ashwagandha root extract can improve sleep quality and help manage insomnia by relaxing the body.

Increases mental focus: Ashwagandha aids in the enhancement of cognition, memory, and the capacity to perform motor reactions.

Benefits of Bee Pearl / Natural immune-boosting compound

Impressive nutritional profile: Pollen includes more than 250 biological compounds, including protein, carbohydrates, lipids, vitamins, minerals, enzymes, and antioxidants.

Boosts liver function: Some studies have shown Bee Pearl to protect the liver from harmful substances. However, further studies must be done.

Powerful antioxidant: Pollen from bees contains a wide range of antioxidants that may protect cells from damage produced by free radicals, which have been related to chronic diseases such as cancer and type 2 diabetes.

Reduces cardiovascular disease risks: Pollen may reduce risk factors for cardiovascular disease, including "bad" LDL cholesterol and lipid oxidation.

Benefits of Beetroot / Anti-aging supplement

Lowers blood pressure: Beets contain a high concentration of nitrates, which can assist in lowering blood pressure. This may minimize the likelihood of developing heart disease and stroke.

Improves mental performance: Beets contain nitrates, which may improve cognitive performance by increasing blood flow to the brain.

Enhances athletic performance: Consuming beetroot powder may improve athletic performance by enhancing oxygen consumption and endurance. To enhance its effectiveness, ingest it two to three hours before exercising or competition.

Rich in vitamins and minerals: Beetroot powder contains high vitamin C, folate, magnesium, potassium, iron, and zinc levels.

Benefits of Birch Chaga / Microbiome wellness blend

Anti-inflammatory: By boosting the creation of good cytokines, specialized proteins that regulate the immune system, Chaga promotes white blood cells, which are necessary for combating harmful bacteria and viruses which cause inflammation in the body

Stabilizes blood sugar levels: Multiple studies have shown that Birch Chaga reduces insulin resistance in animals and can help manage diabetes. This also allows for a steady release of energy throughout the day.

Potent antioxidant: Birch Chaga contains high levels of antioxidants that protect against cell damage by free radicals.

Boosts the immune system: Birch Chaga is a beta-glucan powerhouse responsible for supporting the immune system when healing illnesses and diseases in the body.

Benefits of Bone & Heart Support / Revitalizing vitamin blend

Helps to prevent depression: Vitamin D3 supplementation boosts overall energy during the colder months when the sun isn’t out regularly, thus alleviating symptoms of depression.

Increased bone density: Vitamins D3 and K2 facilitate calcium absorption and bone mineralization while inhibiting vascular calcification. Contributing to a healthy heart and bones.

Promotes healthy blood clotting: Vitamin K is an essential nutrient that affects the protein Prothrombin responsible for blood clotting.

Reduced calcium plaque in arteries: Once calcium stores in the body are saturated, Vitamin K2 helps to bind excess calcium by activating matrix GLA protein (MGP) for improved arterial flow and flexibility, leading to better heart health.

Benefits of Chaga Mushroom / The king of medicinal mushrooms

Anti-inflammatory: By boosting the creation of good cytokines, specialized proteins that regulate the immune system, Chaga promotes white blood cells, which are necessary for combating harmful bacteria and viruses which cause inflammation in the body.

Boosts the immune system: Chaga is a beta-glucan powerhouse responsible for supporting the immune system when healing illnesses and diseases in the body.

Potent antioxidant: Chaga contains high levels of antioxidants that protect against cell damage by free radicals.

Stabilizes blood sugar levels: Multiple studies have shown Chaga to reduce insulin resistance in animals and can therefore help manage diabetes. This also allows for a steady release of energy throughout the day.

Benefits of Collagen / Skin revitalizing

Improves skin health: Collagen is a significant protein that strengthens and hydrates your skin.

Boosts muscle mass: Since collagen is the most abundant protein in the body, it's a significant component of skeletal muscle.

Relieves joint pain: The cartilage structure between your joints is known to become damaged over time. Supplementing with collagen maintains the collagen structure to alleviate any joint pain.

Improves gut health: Studies have found that individuals with irritable bowel disease (IBD) have lower levels of collagen and experience an imbalance in the formation and breakdown of collagen.

Benefits of Elderberry & Vitamin C / Anti-flu

Boosts immunity: Vitamin C contributes to immune defense by supporting both innate and adaptive immune systems' cellular functions.

Eases cold and flu symptoms: Elderberry and Vitamin C have been shown to fight against cold and flu in the body.

Increases energy: Glucose syrup present in the gummies prevents a sugar low throughout the day.

Improves iron absorption: Vitamin C improves iron absorption in the body for healthier blood flow.

Benefits of Ginkgo Biloba + Ginseng / Immune-boosting herbal blend

Powerful antioxidant: Ginkgo Biloba helps to fight against free radicals, which are responsible for damaging the body’s cells.

 Anti-inflammatory: Ginkgo and Ginseng have been shown to reduce the effects of arthritis, irritable bowel disease, heart disease, and cancer.

Improves circulation in the body: Ginkgo’s flavonoids and terpenoids help dilate blood vessels, increasing blood flow and, therefore, more oxygen and nutrients to the body.

Benefits memory and cognitive function: Ginseng is known to reduce stress and fight against cognitive decline.

Benefits of Keto-5 / Fat-burning supplement

Kickstarts ketosis: The body usually requires a fasting period to enter into a state of ketosis. However, this supplement speeds up the process to start burning fat.

Increases energy: Fat in the body is converted to ketones to provide the body with the energy it needs to function optimally.

Controls weight: Some individuals store more fat than others, so using a fat-burning supplement helps to keep your body’s fat stores stable.

Improved focus and awareness: Increased energy from ketosis provides the brain with the essential nutrients to work for long periods.

Benefits of L-Glutamine / Lean muscle growth

Boosts the immune system: Glutamine is an essential amino acid in the body that supports immune function.

Improves intestinal health: Glutamine is an important energy source for intestinal cells and plays a significant role in protecting the intestines from the rest of the organs.

Supports lean muscle: As a building block of protein, glutamine helps to develop muscle fibers in the body after exercise.

Provides energy to the body: L-Glutamine from food is a source of amino acids for the body to form glycogen.

Benefits of Lion's Mane Mushroom / Fungi for focus 

Prevents Alzheimer's disease: The nootropic compounds found in Lions Mane showed to stimulate the growth of neurons in the brain and effectively prevent mental decline in older individuals.

Increases mental focus: Essential for both exercise and work, Lions Mane enhances neural connections for better focus, wakefulness, and cognitive function.

Relieves symptoms of anxiety and depression: Lions Mane has been shown to have anti-inflammatory effects that reduce symptoms of anxiety and depression.

Improves healthy circulation: Lions Mane has been shown to increase blood flow in individuals, which helps carry more oxygen to the body's cells.

Benefits of Magnesium Glycinate / A highly absorbable form of chelated magnesium

Sleep: Magnesium plays a crucial role in sleep as it helps to relax the body and drive away pain while increasing sleep time and efficiency, as well as concentrations of melatonin.

Blood Pressure: May prevent hypertension and supports blood pressure which also works to normalize cardiovascular function.

Pain: Relieves cramping and pain and promotes muscle relation. Also, it reduces muscle spasms and helps to relieve headaches and migraines.

Anxiety: Reduces tension and stress and has calming qualities, which can be beneficial for those suffering from anxiety and depression.

Benefits of Max Detox (Acai detox) / A proprietary blend of detoxification herbs

Detox: Supports enzymatic activity, liver function and elimination.

Immunity: Can help improve immunological responses and clear free radicals.

Skin: Eliminates toxins through the colon, so they don’t show up as acne on the skin.

Weight: Readies the body for weight loss and may boost weight loss results by controlling hunger and increasing energy.

Benefits of Nootropic Brain & Focus Formula / Mental clarity remedy

Enhanced focus and alertness: Among other amino acids, Tyrosine has been shown to boost focus and mental clarity.

Holistic health: The Bacopa monnieri plant has been used for centuries in Ayurvedic medicine. Sometimes called Brahmi, it is known as a natural remedy for altering neurochemistry for better mental focus.

Improved memory: DMAE is an organic amino acid that stimulates acetylcholine in the brain, strongly linked to improved memory function.

Anti-anxiety: The GABA protein is a neurotransmitter responsible for slowing down activity in the brain, providing a calming effect in times of stress.

Benefits of Organic Spirulina Powder / Nutrient-rich blend

Strong antioxidant: The primary active ingredient in spirulina is phycocyanin. It possesses potent anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effects.

Supports cardiovascular health: Spirulina has been shown to lower triglycerides in the body and promote healthy cholesterol, which supports a healthy heart.

Fights against lipid oxidation: Spirulina prevents lipid peroxidation, a process where fatty acids are oxidized in the body. This is a major source of many diseases.

Regulates blood sugar level: Spirulina is known to lower blood glucose, which supports those with type 2 diabetes.

Benefits of Turmeric / Metabolism-boosting

Reduces inflammation around joints: Glucosamine has been shown to reduce inflammation around joints, especially in combination with chondroitin and curcumin, which similarly supports the maintenance of cartilage.

Improved brain health: Curcumin increases levels of the brain hormone BDNF, which promotes the development of new neurons and may aid in preventing many neurodegenerative disorders.

Anti-oxidizing powerhouse: Turmeric is rich in phytonutrients which protect the body from free radicals.

Improves gut health: Frankincense is known to aid with IBS, ulcerative colitis, and other symptoms by lowering gut inflammation.

Benefits of Probiotic / Wellness-boosting

Restore healthy gut bacteria: Probiotics are microorganisms that are alive. They can help restore the normal balance of gut flora when consumed in adequate quantities.

Mood enhancer: Because of probiotics' positive effect on intestinal flora, there are pros for mood (hormone) regulation.

Prevent and treat diarrhea: Probiotics reduce the risk of diarrhea and are also known to treat its symptoms.

Cardiovascular health: Probiotics lower LDL cholesterol levels and reduce blood pressure for better heart health.

Benefits of Reishi Mushroom / Immune-boosting superstar

Strengthens the immune system: The effects of Reishi mushroom on white blood cells, which aid in the fight against infection and cancer, can increase immunological function.

Improves cardiovascular health: Reishi has been shown to support cardiovascular health under physical and mental stress.

Anti-fatigue: Reishi mushrooms are known for supporting a healthy stress response and consequently providing energy and stamina to the body and mind.

Benefits of Resveratrol / Natural antioxidant supplement

Protects brain cells from damage: Resveratrol, a potent anti-inflammatory, and antioxidant, has the potential to shield brain cells from oxidative stress.

Lowers blood pressure: Resveratrol increases nitric oxide production, which helps lower blood pressure.

Eases joint pain: Resveratrol has been shown to reduce the breakdown of cartilage in the body, supporting joint health.

Prevents cholesterol peroxidation: Resveratrol prevents lipid peroxidation, a process where fatty acids are oxidized in the body. This is a significant source of many diseases.

Benefits of CoQ10 Ubiquinone / Powerful antioxidant formula

Enhances cardiac health: CoQ10 concentrations in the heart are among the highest in the body. The great majority of individuals with cardiovascular disease have low CoQ10 levels.

Plays a role in cancer prevention: CoQ10 lowers cell oxidative stress and promotes cellular energy production for improved functioning.

Prevents headaches and migraines: CoQ10 supplementation aids in the prevention and treatment of migraines, as it boosts mitochondrial function and decreases inflammation.

Helps with fertility: As the body ages, it produces less CoQ10, which makes eggs or sperm cells more susceptible to oxidative damage.

Benefits of Cordyceps Mushroom / Energy and Focus

Increased energy: Cordyceps are thought to increase the body’s production of the molecule adenosine triphosphate (ATP), essential for delivering energy to the muscles.

Improves cardiovascular health: Cordyceps may boost VO2 Max, increasing how much oxygen the body has to use during exercise.

Regulates cholesterol: Cordyceps may also have a beneficial effect on cholesterol levels. Animal research has shown that Cordyceps decrease “bad” LDL cholesterol and Triglycerides.

Anti-inflammatory: Cordyceps have been shown to reduce the effects of chronic inflammation in the body by suppressing inflammatory markers.

Benefits of Moringa Pure / Cellular protection supplement

Rich in antioxidants: Moringa has high levels of quercetin and chlorogenic acid, which helps to protect the cells from oxidative damage.

Reduces inflammation: Isothiocyanates in Moringa are believed to reduce the effects of chronic inflammation.

Regulates blood sugar levels: Studies have found that supplementing with Moringa powder reduces the rise in blood sugar.

Lowers cholesterol: Moringa has been shown to lower bad cholesterol in the body and, in effect, reduce the risk of heart disease.

Benefits of Creatine Monohydrate / Lean muscle growth 

Increased energy and awareness: Creatine monohydrate serves as a source of phosphate groups. This enables the body’s primary energy source (ATP) to be maintained at optimal levels.

Muscle and strength: Scientific research has verified that creatine increases muscle strength, lean body mass, and muscle energy while accelerating energy recovery during intense exercise.

Enhanced focus: Creatine Monohydrate has been shown not only to provide a physical boost but also a mental boost. This is especially important for those living an active lifestyle while studying/working.

Helps to push beyond the limits: Supports more intense training, which further improves strength and muscle growth by delaying muscle fatigue. (Creatine regenerates ATP energy to increase muscle working time in anaerobic activity).